Customs framework in Kazakhstan: Exports and imports of goods
This type of report on the customs database of Kazakhstan comes with an additional description of the goods since 2011.
Customs statistics of foreign economic activity of Kazakhstan is available from 01.01.2004 to the present. Request examples of reports as well as up-to-date examples on Kazakhstan export/import statistics.
From 01.07.2010, due to the formation of the customs union, transactions with Russia and Belarus were excluded from the data of foreign economic activity of Kazakhstan! Obtaining this information is possible only from the database of the customs union
If necessary, it is possible to conclude an agreement on the customs base of Kazakhstan and provide all the necessary accounting documents (act of acceptance and delivery of work performed and invoice).
With the customs base of Kazakhstan, customs statistics of other CIS countries or countries of the world are usually ordered. You can see more about information services for the provision of customs bases in the section “Customs data”
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